Friday 6 November 2009

Simple Enough

Just to start off....Green Day was awesome! I'm going to see them again in Manchester sometime next year, I forgot the date but I am going!

Ah, anyway, better write what I was supposed to write...
Nobody exactly knows this, but I like to write in my free time. Not ranting on blogs type of writing, I only do this for my own amusement. I do creative writing, like stories and stuff.
I had a fresh idea about an hour ago, and so far I've written this much on it:

As the brisk wind caressed my face, I wondered to myself, what exactly am I doing in a graveyard? I sighed at the attempted thought, I actually had no clue whatsoever as to why I was here, something inside my just screamed: ‘Hey, let’s go to the graveyard today!’ and I just couldn’t ignore the urge. I wandered to the east a bit until I reached a tall statue which towered over me by quite a bit. It was a tower of Jesus Christ in the middle of a graveyard, how comfortable, not only can you mourn for your loved ones but you can stare at dead Jesus whilst you’re doing it. Delightful, utterly delightful. I never really got religion, I decided as a child that it was a waste of my time; trawling to Church every Sunday just to listen to a pensioner read an immensely tedious section of the bible, only to fall asleep half-way through. I stared up at the statue, not interested in the slightest. The brisk wind batted my skin once again, this time with a force.
“Jesus it’s cold.” I muttered to myself without thinking, smirking at the irony. I gave the Jesus statue one cold look and then made my way back west, hopefully no smack-heads have stolen my car by now. I flicked my arm out in front of me and checked the time, 1am the clock read. Graveyards are never closed; they’re open all hours since it’s a public area. It’s more like a park, only less fun and full of dead people.

So, if someone's actually reading this, tell me what you think, because I want to actually be an author, even though the pay is the equivilent of a Pizza boy, perhaps less. I think I'm off to write more on this little story, I think I'll post updates if people actually read this (:

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